CBD for ADHD vs. traditional pharmaceuticals

Lisa Weinberger
4 min readMay 17, 2017

Searching for CBD and navigating the choices when living in a non-legalized cannabis state leaves parents researching the Internet. But through cannabis networking events, business owners, who are also parents, openly share about their families. My daughter was diagnosed with ADHD three years ago. And we’ve been comparing traditional pharmaceuticals against CBD for ADHD with the help of Origin Therapeutics. Origin uses a 99.85% CBD isolate created by the individual who created CW, who is based in Kentucky.

For years we tried alternative treatments, using supplements and diet changes and the reality kicked in when we found our daughter on a balcony, standing on a chair, 28 floors up in Miami after speaking with her about never going out on the balcony. The impulsivity was too much for her to control and, like many parents, we had to find a pediatric doctor specializing in chemical imbalances. At least that is what we were told …

Luckily my daughter, now 8 years old, could swallow pills at a young age. Besides the ADHD medication of 15mg Focalin XR, she was prescribed a pharmaceutical grade Omega, which works wonders! It’s called Vayarin (for any parent looking for help in using natural supplementation). It takes a few weeks to see a difference as it builds up in your child’s system but definitely helps. Since my daughter’s body responded so well to this, I didn’t want to stop searching for alternative treatments to replace her ADHD medication.

Health insurance doesn’t pay for the doctor visits nor will they pay for her medication. Any treatment for my daughter is out of pocket so the cost was already in our budget.

Here are the prices to compare ADHD medication to CBD:

If you replace just the ADHD medication, you can save about $90 a month. If the CBD helps all issues, then you potentially could save yourself $140 a month on your child’s medication by replacing the Focalin and Vayarin with CBD. That’s $1,680 per year. Not using GoodRx, Focalin XR was costing us $360 per month or $4,320 per year! Even if we need two bottles of CBD per month at $40.00 x 2, we still would save on medication cost by $3,360 per year!

ADHD medication

The ADHD medication works but has side effects. For instance, my daughter stopped eating, lost weight and became scared for no reason. The doctor’s response to my concerns was to “not give the medication on the weekends.” If my daughter wasn’t so severe, maybe that would have worked. Without medication, on the weekends she couldn’t go out of the house due to her impulsivity. My daughter is a competitive swimmer with swim meets on the weekends, so not giving her medication every weekend wasn’t an option. Also living in tropical weather, as a family, we like to be outside and do things most of the year, like spending time at the beach or playing at the park.


When I reached out to OriginTherapeutics.com, within 24 hours their CEO, Scott, responded and we started working together, figuring out the right dose for my daughter. We started with 10mg CBD pills with coconut oil, and saw a response but not enough to take her out of the house. I shared our observations with Scott, by email and he called me to discuss further and explain about the dosages.

In a conversation with Scott, he shared, “I always wanted to help people and receiving the feedback I get about our product is truly helping individuals; it’s amazing!” The next weekend we tried 20mg in the morning and around 3 p.m., gave another 10mg. We spent the entire day out of the house and really tested it by bringing her to an arcade. No running away, no freak outs, and she enjoyed herself! And she ate all day, even asking for food!

CBD for ADHD: OriginTherapeutics.com
CBD for ADHD: OriginTherapeutics.com

For people who have trouble using CBD with terpenes, you can request customized dosages and pills in the notes section and Origin will accommodate. They are also in the process of updating their website where this will be an option when ordering.

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Want to continue discussing ADHD alternative treatments? Come join the conversation!

Lisa Weinberger

Lisa Weinberger is the owner of PearlyWrites.com and co-founder of MarijuanaRates.com. Involved in digital media and marketing strategy for the finance industry for close to 20 years, she has shared her knowledge on Bankrate.com, One Main Financial, Fox Business, Yahoo! Finance, LendIt, Money Mio, Business Insider, Comcast, Credit Karma, Fidelity as well as being a source and interviewed about SEO, Content and Social Media in Conductor and Tech Republic. Lisa has contributed to the Conductor blog about breaking down corporate silos, SEO and content marketing. She has spoken at industry conferences about the importance of data-driven integrated marketing using SEO, Content Strategy and Social Media at SMX, NCDM DMA, AVN, InterNext and PubCon. Connect with Lisa on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn.

Originally published at marijuanarates.com on May 17, 2017.

